Precaución con el mar a marea llena y en zonas abiertas al oleaje
«Érase una vez una playa distinta, un lugar cercano y a la vez mágico. Quien siente esta playa sabe que posee alma propia, forjada a golpe de generaciones de habitantes de esta ciudad Atlántica que han crecido soñando, amando y perdonando entre una orilla que refresca sus pies, un mar que los fortalece y un cielo que los humaniza ante tal inmensidad…..»
Once upon a time, there was a distinct beach, a familiar place but at the same time magical. Anyone who knows this beach knows that it has a soul which has been forged by the generations of inhabitants of this atlantic city. The same people who have dreamed, loved and forgiven on a shore that refreshes their feet, with a sea that gives them strength and a sky that humbles them before such immensity.